I have published numerous papers on air quality and odour issues and regularly speak at conferences. the list below is a summary of these publications with links to the paper or presentation where available.
Bull, M A, Gurney A, Ahluwalia A. (1999) RTPI Guidance on Air Quality and Planning, April 1999.
ALG Air Quality Assessment for Planning Applications.(Contributing Author).
NSCA guidance on Air Quality and Development Planning, Nov 2004 (including subsequent revision) (Contributing Author).
Bull M A (2004) Air Quality and Development Control – Key Issues, Paper Presented at NSCA Spring Workshop, 2004.
Bull M A (2004) The implications of H4 odour standards in land use planning, Paper presented at conference ‘Second CIWEM National Conference, Bretton Hall – Wakefield, 13-15th September 2004.
Bull M A (2004) Implications of H4 Odour Standards and the Practical Uncertainties in their Assessment. Paper presented at conference ‘Current Best Practice Techniques for Odour Control, The Royal College of Physicians, 23 March 2004.
Bull M A (1998) How Traffic Calming Can Help Paper Presented at PTRC Conference, 1998.
Bull M A (2001) The TRAMAQ Programme. Paper Presented at NSCA DMUG Meeting, November 2001.
Bull M A (2005). EIA and Consultation, Paper Presented at EIA Guidance Conference, ODPM, November 11, 2005.
Bull M A (2006). Air Quality and Planning, CIWEM Magazine 2006.
Bull M A (2004). Clearing the Air around UK Airports, CIWEM Magazine May 2004.
Bull M A and Bull S A W, (1999) Does My School Really Cause That Much Pollution!
Clean Air, November/December 1999.
Bull M A and Zimman R (1997) Traffic Emission Data for Air Quality Reviews Clean Air, Vol 27, 1997.
Bull M A (2004). Correction and Confusion; The Illusion of Accuracy in the Review and Assessment Process Paper presented to the 20th NSCA DMUG meeting, 23 November 2004.
Bull, M A (2006), Assessment of Air Quality Impacts of Intensive Agriculture using Modelling and Monitoring Techniques, NSCA Dispersion Modellers Users Group, 3 October 2006.
Michael Bull and Kehinde Oduyemi, Traffic, air quality and human health, CIWEM Magazine
Michael Bull (2008) Air Quality and Land Use Planning - Paper presented at Conference "Planning for Air Quality" organised by the London Borough of Greenwich, 31 March 2008.
Bull M A (2008) Investigation of the impact of intensive broiler rearing on local fine particulate matter concentrations, Water and Environment Journal 22 (2008) 25–31
Bull M A (2008) Accounting for Uncertainty in Dispersion Modelling, Paper presented at Dispersion Modellers Users Group, London, 2 December 2008.
Bull M A (2009) Model Verification, the Case Against. Paper presented at Institute of Air Quality Management Meeting, 23 April 2009.
Bull M A (2009) Transport Modelling and Emissions, Paper presented at Fourth Annual Conference for Transport Modelling, London, 10 June 2009.
Bull M A (2010) The Performance of Dispersion Modelling for the Prediction of Nitrogen Dioxide in the UK Review and Assessment Process, presented at Harmo13, Paris
Jones E. Dean J, Bull M A (2013) Development of an Odour Risk Assessment Method for Anglian Water , Paper presented at 18th European Biosolids & Organic Resources Conference & Exhibition, November 2013
Bull M A (2014) and Fromant E L. The performance of numerical odour assessment forthe prediction of odour complaints from wastewater treatment works,Water and Environment Journal 28 (2014) 316–322.
Bull M A (2014) The IAQM Odour and Planning Guidance, Paper presented at IASPC Conference, June 1014
Bull M A (2014) Observed variations in modelling studies for cumulative impact assessment, Paper presented at DMUG, 2014.
Contributing Author - Designing with Smell, Practices, Techniques and Challenges, Eds Victoria Henshaw, Kate McLean, Dominic Medway, Chris Perkins, Gary Warnaby. Routledge,
Bull M A (2107) IAQM Planning and Odour Guidance, Presentation to Water Industry Planning Group, Reading.
Bull M A (2018) UK Major Ports Group Air Quality Study, Launch presentation
Bull M A (2018) Shipping, ports and air quality, presentation to Institute of Environmental Science Meeting, Plymouth.
Bull M A (2018) Shipping, ports and air quality, presentation to All Party Parliamentary Group on Air Quality
Bull M A and Davies R (2021) Use of the fluctuations option in ADMS to investigate "real life" odour exposure, paper presented at Dispersion Modellers Users Group, February 2021
Government Reports
DfT : Traffic management and air quality research programme- final report - Jan 2006
Mayor of London’s Air Quality Strategy (Contributing author).September 2002
DETR The ESTEEM Project, UK Partners Final Report - January 1999
DoT : Automatic Remote Control to Reduce Vehicle Emissions – Final Report - 1997
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